
Forestry and Logging Workers

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Forestry and Logging Workers

Forestry and Logging Workers perform routine tasks associated in cultivating and maintaining natural and plantation forests, and logging, felling and sawing trees.

Fun facts

  • NA Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 72% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 10% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by forestry and logging workers. A few are listed below:

  • maintaining forest roads, buildings, facilities, signs and equipment
  • killing weeds, felling and de-barking non-productive trees and thinning young plantations
  • collecting seeds, and cultivating and planting seedlings for reafforestation purposes
  • applying fertilisers, insecticides and herbicides to individual trees and general forest areas
  • maintaining look-out for fires in forests
  • removing major branches and tree tops, trimming branches and sawing trunks into logs
  • assisting with loading and transporting logs
  • planning the felling of trees and determining the natural and intended fall of each tree
  • clearing surrounding area of saplings and debris prior to tree-felling
  • operating and maintaining manual and machine saws to fell trees and to cut felled trees into logs

Specific occupations

  • Forestry Worker
  • Logging Assistant
  • Tree Faller
  • Logger
  • Tree Feller
  • Sleeper Cutter
  • Hardwood Faller
  • Softwood Faller
  • Fire Lookout
  • Forestry Tree Pruner
  • Tree Planter