Poster series

Explore our posters of women who laid the foundation and others who are paving the way in a range of STEM careers.

08 Kathryn Gledhill Tucker Web

"As a technologist, I am always thinking about systems and trying to figure out how power moves within them. It is so easy to be caught up new tech, new toys, new AIs - but the most important questions we can ask are, Who has power? And how could this power be used to harm others?"

Kathryn Gledhill-Tucker


Bronwyn Evans

"We have female engineers to thank for many of the world’s greatest innovations, yet they make up only 12 per cent of engineers employed in Australia. [Recognition can] … provide inspiration to others to break down barriers and excel in the engineering industry."

Bronwyn Evans


Michelle Y. Simmons

"4 mantras: Do what’s hard, place high expectations on your-self, take risks and do something that matters."

Michelle Y. Simmons

Computer science researcher

Sophia Frentz

"Take any pathway you want but don’t forget to try stuff. You don’t know what will scratch the itch on your brain."

Sophia Frentz

Technical Product Manager

07 Karlie Noon Web

"… anybody can achieve a career in STEM, everyone has the right to equal opportunities, including young women, including young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people."

Karlie Noon


09 Lisa Gershwin Web

"I am a bio-nerd, like you can’t even imagine. I am a geek with a capital G. I spend all of my time travelling around discovering new species."

Lisa Gershwin


Asha Rao[1]

"Being a mathematician, I am not afraid of failure. It has always been a part of my life – it just gives me a chance to do things again – get a better solution, solve a bigger problem. "

Asha Rao


Jane Macmaster

"Technology is everywhere, systems are everywhere. And anywhere there is technology and systems, there are engineers. It’s an exciting time to be an engineer."

Jane MacMaster

Aerospace, mechanical and systems design engineer

Flavia Tata Nardini

"Since I was a little girl, I was determined to make a change in this world using space technologies. I loved space deeply and I had a profound feeling that I had a destiny in the space industry, even if I wasn’t sure what that meant."

Flavia Tata Nardini

CEO and Co-founder at Fleet Space Technologies

Lyn Beazley Web[1]

"At Oxford University there were 10 men for every woman student … I could see that getting gender balance makes a big difference."

Lyn Beazley


Martia Cheng

"Be inspired by what tech can achieve. If you’re intrinsically motivated, then you’ll work through all the hurdles in order to reach your goal."

Marita Cheng

Founder and CEO of Aubot, a start-up robotics company

Florence Mckenzie

"To see every woman emancipated from the “heavy” work of the household by the aid of electricity is in itself a worthy object."

Florence McKenzie

Electrical engineer

14 Tanya Monro Headshot

"What’s interesting is the idea of creating knowledge between the existing discipline ‘silos’ — and creating new tools and technologies out of that knowledge."

Tanya Monro


Alison Harcourt

"Take the subject that you like and the one that appeals to you and work at that, and if that’s mathematics, do it. There’s a great joy in mathematics!"

Alison Harcourt (Doig)

Mathematician and statistician

Vanessa Robins

"To me, innovation comes from having the freedom to daydream a little and explore questions that just grab your attention and mean something to you."

Vanessa Robins


Cheryl Praeger

"My first hero was Hanna Neumann … the first woman to become a full professor of mathematics at an Australian university. She … was such a great teacher and mathematician."

Cheryl Praeger

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Jo Withford

"I always wanted to help people, and as an engineer I am certainly doing that by making sure the road infrastructure is well maintained, and that any project that involves my management is beneficial to the community."

Jo Withford

Senior Project Engineer

Rachael Quirk

"The most rewarding part of my job is seeing my team excel and achieve and sometimes exceed our goals."

Rachael Quirk

Senior Engineering Officer 37 Squadron

Hayley Moulds

"The most rewarding part of my job is being able to travel the world while working with coalition partners, all with an exceptional crew beside me. "

Hayley Moulds

Pilot - KC-30A Captain

Stacey Ross

"When I grew up I knew I wanted to be in a technically challenging and rewarding career that took me many different places. I believe I am accomplishing that."

Stacey Ross

Cyberspace Warfare Officer

Harriet Hunt

"It's ok to fail, and it's ok to get discouraged. Those are normal things, especially for students in STEM. I've found that the most important thing is to keep reminding yourself why you're doing this."

Harriet Hunt

Aerospace systems engineer and NASA intern

Jessica Dennien

"Choose a career that you’ll enjoy!"

Jessica Dennien

Design Engineer

Lidia Matesic

"Follow your interests and take all the opportunities you can."

Lidia Matesic


Michelle Ta holding capsule

"Follow what energises you and motivates you"

Michelle Ta

Scientific Advisor

Raffaella Demichelis

"There is always something to learn in every situation. Many of my best outcomes and most creative ideas are the result of overcoming difficulties I did not expect."

Raffaella Demichelis

Senior Research Fellow

Sonia Shah

"It’s OK not to know exactly what career path you will take"

Sonia Shah

NHMRC Early Career Fellow

Maithili Sashindranath

"Never settle for mediocrity"

Maithili Sashindranath

Senior Research Fellow

Cecilia Villacorta Rath Lizard Island

"Follow your heart and dream big because everything is possible."

Cecilia Villacorta-Rath

Research Officer

Adjanie Patabendige

"As a neuroscientist, I conduct research into understanding how the brain is damaged during neurological disease."

Adjanie Patabendige

NSW Health EMC Fellow

MAJ Krystal Wright

"Do something that challenges you"

MAJ Krystal Wright

Major, Aeronautical Engineer

Lauren Wright

"You don’t have to be mathematically minded to pursue a career in STEM. You can learn to think scientifically or mathematically, no matter what your strengths or marks were at school."

Lauren Wright

Lieutenant Colonel, Engineer and Project Manager

Capt Louise Farrell

"Attend workshops, university open days and do work experience. Try to speak to your parents' friends who work in different industries to gauge what interests you!"

CAPT Louise Farrell

Captain, Aviation Maintenance Engineer

Lieutenant Kate Cox

"Never be afraid of failing and don’t care what others might think of you. Everything is a learning opportunity and you never know where it may lead and who you might meet."

Lieutenant Kate Cox

Aviation Engineer / Lieutenant

Amy Vickers

"The most rewarding part of my job is helping other women to overcome challenges associated with typically male dominated work environments."

Amy Vickers

Aviation Technician Avionics

Bianca Capra

"Find your voice. Your passion is your power and influence."

Bianca Capra

Senior Lecturer, Aerospace Engineer & Co-Chair YoWIE

Alana Barber

"You can do anything but you don’t have to do everything – so do what excites you."

Alana Barber

Aviation Management student

Janice Vaz

"The most rewarding part of my job is working with animals and being a voice for the voiceless"

Janice Vaz

PhD Student

Elizabeth Scott

"I knew I wanted to work in the water industry because water is so important to the health of the community and the environment."

Elizabeth Scott

Water Engineer

Kat Duncan

"Choose a career that you think you'll love, work hard and don't give up till you get there."

Kat Duncan

Locum veterinary surgeon

Wendy Wright

"I want to ensure that wild places and wild animals are understood and protected."

Wendy Wright

Associate Professor, Conservation Biology & Associate Dean, Research Training

Laura Shakespeare

"I wanted to be a translator, so I could connect to every country in the world. I now consider programmatic languages one of the many languages I’ve been lucky enough to study. "

Laura Shakespeare

Analytical Lead

Jesse May Licot

"Remember to keep having fun, worry less and it’s okay to be a nerd."

Jesse May Licot

Senior Business Analyst

Marlee Hutton

"I am passionate about being the liaison between science and community."

Marlee Hutton

Research Support Officer

Kellee Reissinger

"I love growing plants by seed, and watching it grow"

Kellee Reissinger


Dr Michele Thums

"I'm passionate about our world – respecting, understanding and protecting it."

Michele Thums

Research Scientist

Sabrina Fossette

"I work on projects that will make a difference in terms of protecting and conserving flatback turtles"

Sabrina Fossette

Research Scientist