
Inspectors and Regulatory Officers

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Inspectors and Regulatory Officers

Inspectors and Regulatory Officers administer and enforce government and corporate regulations and standards.

Fun facts

  • 1596 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 80% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 51% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by inspectors and regulatory officers. A few are listed below:

  • searching aircraft, vehicles, premises and people, and checking documents and goods to detect illegal activities such as undocumented cargo, prohibited goods and illegal aliens
  • examining and assessing visas and residency applications
  • testing applicants' ability to operate a motor vehicle, assessing applicants' suitability to hold learner's permits and probationary licences, and issuing learner's permits and probationary licences
  • identifying pest and weed problems and determining treatments and management
  • assessing claims for government benefits
  • carrying out random checks of taxation documents to detect non-compliance with taxation legislation
  • conducting visual checks of the mechanical, structural, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems of railway wagons, carriages and locomotives for condition and correct classification
  • ensuring that train, tram and bus services are provided according to schedule, monitoring the cleanliness, presentation and condition of vehicles, and recommending improvements and changes to services
  • receiving and assessing applications for licences to use water, investigating the ability of water resources to meet new requirements, and conducting site inspections

Specific occupations

  • Customs Officer
  • Immigration Officer
  • Motor Vehicle Licence Examiner
  • Noxious Weeds and Pest Inspector
  • Social Security Assessor
  • Taxation Inspector
  • Train Examiner
  • Transport Operations Inspector
  • Water Inspector
  • Inspectors and Regulatory Officer
  • Dog Catcher
  • Technician Preventative Medicine (Army)
  • Trade Mark Examiner
  • Travel Accommodation Inspector
  • Weights and Measures Inspector
  • Biosecurity Officer (Weeds and Pests)
  • Customs Inspector
  • Customs Investigator
  • Locomotive Inspector
  • Bus Inspector
  • Tram Inspector
  • Boring Inspector
  • Stream Control Officer

Carolyn Thomas

Read the profile of Carolyn Thomas, responsible for ensuring that Esso's offshore oil platforms are safe and don't harm the environment.