
Management and Organisation Analysts

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Management and Organisation Analysts

Management and Organisation Analysts assist organisations to achieve greater efficiency and solve organisational problems, and study organisational structures, methods, systems and procedures.

Fun facts

  • 2252 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 79% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 42% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by management and organisation analysts. A few are listed below:

  • assisting and encouraging the development of objectives, strategies and plans aimed at achieving customer satisfaction and the efficient use of organisations' resources
  • discussing business and organisational shortcomings with clients
  • analysing and evaluating current systems and structures
  • discussing current systems with staff and observing systems at all levels of organisation
  • directing clients towards more efficient organisation and developing solutions to organisational problems
  • undertaking and reviewing work studies by analysing existing and proposed methods and procedures such as administrative and clerical procedures
  • recording and analysing organisations' work flow charts, records, reports, manuals and job descriptions
  • preparing and recommending proposals to revise methods and procedures, alter work flows, redefine job functions and resolve organisational problems
  • assisting in implementing approved recommendations, issuing revised instructions and procedure manuals, and drafting other documentation
  • reviewing operating procedures and advising of departures from procedures and standards

Specific occupations

  • Management Consultant
  • Organisation and Methods Analyst
  • Business Consultant
  • Procedures Analyst
  • Quality Auditor
  • Skills Auditor
  • Change Management Facilitator
  • Industry Analyst
  • Business Analyst

Erin Rayment, director of research development

Dr Erin Rayment is the director of the Office of Research Development at the University of Southern Queensland, and her work covers science, innovation, commercialisation, and real-world outcomes flowing from research. Erin believes that a long-term investment in STEM is very important.