
Optometrists and Orthoptists

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Optometrists and Orthoptists

Optometrists and Orthoptists perform eye examinations and vision tests, prescribe lenses, other optical aids and therapy, and diagnose and manage eye movement disorders and associated sensory problems.

Fun facts

  • NA Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 64% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 58% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by optometrists and orthoptists. A few are listed below:

  • examining patients' eyes and setting tests to determine the nature and extent of vision problems and abnormalities
  • assessing ocular health and visual function by measuring visual acuity and refractive error, and testing the function of visual pathways, visual fields, eye movements, freedom of vision and intraocular pressure, and performing other tests using special eye test equipment
  • detecting, diagnosing and managing eye disease, referring patients to, and receiving referrals from other health providers, and prescribing medications for the treatment of eye disease
  • diagnosing eye movement disorders and defects of binocular function
  • prescribing lenses, contact lenses and low vision aids, and checking suitability and comfort
  • prescribing exercises to coordinate movement and focusing of eyes
  • managing programs for eye movement disorders, and instructing and counselling patients in the use of corrective techniques and eye exercises
  • advising on visual health matters such as contact lens care, vision care for the elderly, optics, visual ergonomics, and occupational and industrial eye safety
  • conducting preventative screening programs
  • conducting rehabilitation programs for the visually impaired

Specific occupations

  • Optometrist
  • Orthoptist