
Other Building and Engineering Technicians

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Other Building and Engineering Technicians

Other Building and Engineering Technicians include Maintenance Planner, Metallurgical or Materials Technician and Mine Deputy occupations.

Fun facts

  • 2419 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 94% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 11% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by other building and engineering technicians. A few are listed below:

  • developing maintenance planning strategies, and scheduling, coordinating and monitoring the maintenance of all plant equipment
  • testing materials as part of mineral and metal processing and refining, or for research into metals, ceramics, polymers and other materials in support of Metallurgists and Materials Engineers
  • overseeing the safety of mining operations and supervising Miners

Specific occupations

  • Maintenance Planner
  • Metallurgical or Materials Technician
  • Mine Deputy
  • Building and Engineering Technician
  • Aircraft Detail Draftsperson
  • Aircraft Systems Technician (Air Force)
  • Airframe Technical Officer
  • Avionics Systems Technician (Air Force)
  • Biomedical Technician
  • Corrosion Technician
  • Mining Detail Draftsperson
  • Shipbuilding Draftsperson
  • Maintenance Scheduler
  • Shutdown Coordinator
  • Shutdown Planner
  • Dye Penetrant Testing Technician
  • Heat Treatment Technician
  • Magnetic Testing Technician
  • Metallurgy Laboratory Technician
  • Non-destructive Testing Technician
  • Petroleum Products Laboratory Technician
  • Petroleum Refinery Laboratory Technician
  • Pressure Testing Technician
  • Ultrasound Technician
  • Mining Technician
  • Open Cut Examiner