
Other Factory Process Workers

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Other Factory Process Workers

Other Factory Process Workers include Cement and Concrete Plant Worker, Chemical Plant Worker, Clay Processing Factory Worker, Fabric and Textile Factory Worker, Footwear Factory Worker, Glass Processing Worker, Hide and Skin Processing Worker and Recycling Workers.

Fun facts

  • 1408 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 68% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 23% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by other factory process workers. A few are listed below:

  • performing routine tasks in manufacturing cement and concrete products
  • performing routine tasks in a chemical processing plant
  • performing routine tasks in manufacturing clay and ceramic products
  • performing routine tasks in a fabric and textile factory
  • performing routine tasks in manufacturing footwear
  • performing routine tasks in manufacturing glassware
  • performing routine tasks in tanning and finishing leather, hides and skins
  • performing routine tasks in a recycling facility, such as sorting, packing and storing plastics, glass, paper, metals and other recyclable materials

Specific occupations

  • Cement and Concrete Plant Worker
  • Chemical Plant Worker
  • Clay Processing Factory Worker
  • Fabric and Textile Factory Worker
  • Footwear Factory Worker
  • Glass Processing Worker
  • Hide and Skin Processing Worker
  • Recycling Worker
  • Factory Process Worker
  • Sheltered Workshop Worker
  • Recycling Sorter
  • Clay Processing Labourer
  • Kiln Labourer
  • Glass Mould Cleaner
  • Fellmongery Worker
  • Hand Flesher
  • Tannery Worker
  • Gas Plant Worker
  • Munitions Factory Worker
  • Paint Factory Worker
  • Brick Handler