
Medical Scientists

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Medical Scientists

Medical Scientists conduct medical laboratory tests to assist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.

Fun facts

  • 1792 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 71% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 71% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by medical scientists. A few are listed below:

  • preparing tissue sections for microscopic examination
  • examining and analysing samples to study the effects of microbial infections
  • analysing samples of body tissue and fluids to develop techniques to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
  • advising Medical Practitioners on the interpretation of tests and methods for use in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
  • setting up the steps and rules of laboratory medical testing
  • operating and maintaining laboratory equipment
  • maintaining laboratory quality assurance and safety standards
  • preparing scientific papers and reports
  • studies the formation, early growth and development of living organisms

Specific occupations

  • Medical Scientist
  • Medical Scientific Officer
  • Hospital Scientist
  • IVF Embryologist

Women in STEM

Michelle Ta holding capsule

"Follow what energises you and motivates you"

Michelle Ta

Scientific Advisor

Lidia Matesic

"Follow your interests and take all the opportunities you can."

Lidia Matesic


Maithili Sashindranath

"Never settle for mediocrity"

Maithili Sashindranath

Senior Research Fellow

Sonia Shah

"It’s OK not to know exactly what career path you will take"

Sonia Shah

NHMRC Early Career Fellow

Lyn Beazley Web[1]

"At Oxford University there were 10 men for every woman student … I could see that getting gender balance makes a big difference."

Lyn Beazley


Adjanie Patabendige

"As a neuroscientist, I conduct research into understanding how the brain is damaged during neurological disease."

Adjanie Patabendige

NSW Health EMC Fellow